Studying in China | The Ultimate Guide

Last modified: July 4, 2024
Studying in China

China, a country with a rich cultural heritage and rapid economic growth, has become an increasingly popular destination for international students.

The allure of studying in China lies not only in its prestigious universities but also in the opportunity to immerse oneself in an ancient culture that is now at the forefront of global innovation.

As China continues to open its doors to the world, it offers a unique blend of traditional and modern experiences for students from across the globe.

About Studying in China

About Studying in China

China’s education system is known for its rigorous standards and emphasis on academic excellence. The country is home to some of the world’s top universities, many of which are recognized globally for their research output and educational quality. Studying in China provides students with access to cutting-edge facilities and resources, highly qualified faculty, and a diverse student body.

International students in China can choose from a wide range of programs and degrees, from undergraduate to doctoral levels. Whether you are interested in science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM), humanities, social sciences, or the arts, Chinese universities offer a plethora of options to suit your academic and professional goals. Additionally, China offers numerous scholarships for studying in China, making it an affordable option for many students.

China’s education system is also unique in its integration of Chinese language and culture into the curriculum. Studying Chinese language in China is not only beneficial for academic purposes but also provides a significant advantage in the global job market. Mastering the Chinese language opens up numerous career opportunities in various fields, including business, diplomacy, technology, and more.

Moreover, studying in China is a gateway to exploring the country’s diverse landscapes, from the bustling metropolis of Beijing to the scenic beauty of Guilin. Each city and region in China offers a distinct cultural experience, making your study abroad journey both academically enriching and personally fulfilling.

Advantages of Studying in China

Advantages of Studying in China

Studying in China comes with a multitude of advantages that make it an attractive option for international students. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. High-Quality Education: Chinese universities are known for their rigorous academic standards and world-class facilities. Institutions like Tsinghua University, Peking University, and Fudan University consistently rank among the top universities globally.
  2. Affordability: Compared to Western countries, the cost of studying in China is relatively low. Tuition fees and living expenses in China for students are much more affordable, making it an economical choice for higher education.
  3. Scholarships: The Chinese government and various universities offer numerous scholarships for studying in China. These scholarships can cover tuition fees, accommodation, and even provide a monthly stipend, significantly reducing the financial burden on students.
  4. Cultural Immersion: China has a rich cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. Studying in China allows students to experience this culture firsthand, from traditional festivals and cuisine to historical landmarks and contemporary arts.
  5. Language Learning: Being immersed in a Chinese-speaking environment is the best way to learn the language. Many universities offer Chinese language courses for international students, which can be a valuable asset in today’s global job market.
  6. Career Opportunities: China’s rapid economic growth and global influence have created numerous job opportunities for graduates. Whether you plan to stay in China or return to your home country, having a degree from a Chinese university can enhance your employability.
  7. Diverse Programs: Chinese universities offer a wide range of programs and degrees in various fields. Whether you are interested in engineering, medicine, business, or the arts, you will find a program that suits your interests and career goals.
  8. Global Network: Studying in China allows you to build a global network of friends, classmates, and professionals. This network can be invaluable for future career opportunities and personal growth.
  9. Research Opportunities: China is a leader in research and innovation. Many universities have state-of-the-art research facilities and offer opportunities for students to participate in groundbreaking research projects.
  10. Travel Opportunities: China’s diverse landscapes and vibrant cities offer countless travel opportunities. From the Great Wall to the Terracotta Warriors, there is no shortage of places to explore and experiences to enjoy.

Disadvantages of Studying in China

Disadvantages of Studying in China

While studying in China offers many advantages, there are also some challenges and disadvantages that students should consider:

  1. Language Barrier: Although many universities offer programs in English, the majority of courses are taught in Chinese. This can be a significant barrier for students who do not speak the language fluently. Even daily communication outside the classroom can be challenging.
  2. Cultural Differences: Adjusting to a new culture can be difficult. The cultural norms, social etiquette, and lifestyle in China are different from what many international students are accustomed to. This can lead to culture shock and homesickness.
  3. Pollution: Air pollution is a serious issue in many Chinese cities. This can have health implications and affect the overall quality of life for students living in heavily polluted areas.
  4. Political Environment: China’s political environment is different from that of many Western countries. Issues related to freedom of speech, internet censorship, and human rights can be concerning for some students.
  5. Academic Pressure: The academic environment in China can be highly competitive and stressful. Students are often required to maintain high academic standards, which can lead to significant pressure and stress.
  6. Visa and Bureaucracy: The process of obtaining a student visa and navigating the bureaucratic procedures in China can be time-consuming and complex. This can be a source of frustration for many international students.
  7. Social Isolation: The language barrier and cultural differences can make it difficult to form friendships and integrate into the local community. Some students may feel isolated and find it challenging to build a social support network.
  8. Healthcare: While healthcare in China has improved significantly, there can be issues related to the quality and accessibility of medical services. International students may also face challenges in finding English-speaking healthcare providers.
  9. Housing and Accommodation: Finding suitable accommodation can be a challenge, especially in large cities where demand is high. University dormitories may have limited availability, and off-campus housing can be expensive and difficult to secure.
  10. Work Restrictions: International students in China face restrictions on working while studying. This can limit opportunities to gain work experience and earn extra income during their studies.

What Are the Best States and Cities?

What Are the Best States and Cities?

China is a vast country with numerous cities and regions that offer unique experiences for international students. Here are some of the best states and cities for studying in China:


Beijing, the capital city of China, is home to some of the country’s top universities, including Tsinghua University and Peking University. As the political, cultural, and educational center of China, Beijing offers a rich cultural experience with its historical landmarks, museums, and vibrant arts scene. The city also provides numerous opportunities for networking and career development.


Shanghai, a global financial hub, is known for its modern skyline and cosmopolitan lifestyle. The city is home to prestigious institutions like Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Shanghai offers a dynamic environment with a mix of traditional and contemporary culture, making it an exciting place to live and study.


Located in southern China, Guangzhou is known for its economic prosperity and cultural diversity. The city is home to Sun Yat-sen University and South China University of Technology. Guangzhou’s subtropical climate, vibrant culinary scene, and proximity to Hong Kong make it an attractive destination for international students.


Hangzhou, renowned for its scenic beauty and historical significance, is home to Zhejiang University, one of China’s top universities. The city offers a peaceful and picturesque environment, with attractions like West Lake and ancient temples. Hangzhou’s growing tech industry also provides opportunities for students interested in innovation and entrepreneurship.


Shenzhen, a major tech hub, is known for its rapid development and innovation. The city is home to Shenzhen University and Southern University of Science and Technology. Shenzhen’s thriving tech industry and proximity to Hong Kong make it an ideal destination for students pursuing careers in technology and business.


Nanjing, with its rich historical heritage, is home to Nanjing University and Southeast University. The city offers a blend of ancient history and modern development, with attractions like the Nanjing City Wall and the Presidential Palace. Nanjing’s affordable cost of living and academic reputation make it a popular choice for international students.


Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, is known for its relaxed lifestyle and spicy cuisine. The city is home to Sichuan University and University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Chengdu’s unique cultural experiences, including the famous panda research centers, make it an exciting place to study and explore.


Xi’an, famous for the Terracotta Warriors, is home to Xi’an Jiaotong University and Northwestern Polytechnical University. The city’s historical significance and cultural heritage provide a unique backdrop for academic pursuits. Xi’an’s affordable living costs and rich history make it an attractive destination for students.


Wuhan, located in central China, is known for its educational institutions like Wuhan University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The city offers a blend of natural beauty and urban development, with attractions like East Lake and the Yellow Crane Tower. Wuhan’s strategic location and academic reputation make it a hub for higher education.


Tianjin, a major port city near Beijing, is home to Nankai University and Tianjin University. The city’s modern infrastructure and historical sites, such as the Tianjin Eye and the Five Great Avenues, provide a vibrant environment for students. Tianjin’s proximity to Beijing and affordable living costs make it an appealing choice for international students.

Degrees at Universities in China

Degrees at Universities in China

Chinese universities offer a wide range of degrees at undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Each degree program has its own set of conditions and requirements, which vary depending on the institution and field of study.

Undergraduate Programs in China

Undergraduate programs in China typically last for four years. Students can choose from a variety of fields, including engineering, medicine, business, humanities, and social sciences. Admission to undergraduate programs generally requires the following:

  1. High School Diploma: Applicants must have completed their high school education and obtained a diploma.
  2. Entrance Exam: Some universities require international students to take an entrance exam, such as the Gaokao or an equivalent test.
  3. Language Proficiency: Students must demonstrate proficiency in Chinese (HSK) or English (IELTS/TOEFL) depending on the language of instruction.
  4. Recommendation Letters: Universities often require one or more letters of recommendation from teachers or mentors.
  5. Personal Statement: Applicants may need to submit a personal statement outlining their academic goals and reasons for choosing the program.

Master’s Degrees in China for International Students

Master’s degree programs in China usually take two to three years to complete. These programs offer advanced coursework and research opportunities in various fields. The requirements for admission to a master’s program include:

  1. Bachelor’s Degree: Applicants must have a recognized bachelor’s degree in a related field.
  2. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Chinese (HSK) or English (IELTS/TOEFL) is required, depending on the program’s language of instruction.
  3. Research Proposal: Some programs may require a research proposal outlining the applicant’s intended research topic.
  4. Recommendation Letters: Two to three letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.
  5. Personal Statement: A personal statement detailing the applicant’s academic background, research interests, and career goals.

Doctoral Programs in China

Doctoral programs in China typically take three to five years to complete and involve extensive research in a specialized field. Admission to a doctoral program requires the following:

  1. Master’s Degree: Applicants must hold a master’s degree in a related field.
  2. Research Proposal: A detailed research proposal outlining the applicant’s intended research project.
  3. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in Chinese (HSK) or English (IELTS/TOEFL) is required, depending on the program’s language of instruction.
  4. Recommendation Letters: Three letters of recommendation from academic or professional references.
  5. Personal Statement: A personal statement explaining the applicant’s research interests, academic background, and career aspirations.

Difficulty of Studying in China

Difficulty of Studying in China

Gaining admission to Chinese universities can vary in difficulty depending on the institution, program, and the applicant’s academic background. Here are some factors that influence the admission process:

  1. Competitive Programs: Top universities and popular programs, such as medicine and engineering, have highly competitive admission processes. Applicants need to demonstrate excellent academic performance and strong extracurricular achievements.
  2. Language Proficiency: Proficiency in the language of instruction (Chinese or English) is crucial. Students may need to achieve high scores in language proficiency tests such as HSK, IELTS, or TOEFL.
  3. Entrance Exams: Some universities require entrance exams, which can be challenging for international students. Preparation and familiarity with the exam format are essential for success.
  4. Academic Records: Strong academic records and transcripts are critical for admission. Universities look for consistent academic performance and high grades in relevant subjects.
  5. Recommendation Letters: Strong letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or employers can significantly enhance an application.
  6. Personal Statement: A well-written personal statement that clearly outlines the applicant’s academic goals, research interests, and reasons for choosing the program can make a positive impression.
  7. Research Proposal: For master’s and doctoral programs, a detailed and well-thought-out research proposal is essential. It should demonstrate the applicant’s understanding of the field and their potential for contributing to the academic community.
  8. Extracurricular Activities: Participation in extracurricular activities, internships, and volunteer work can strengthen an application by showcasing the applicant’s well-rounded character and leadership skills.
  9. Interviews: Some programs may require an interview as part of the admission process. Preparing for the interview and effectively communicating one’s qualifications and aspirations is crucial.
  10. Scholarships: Applying for scholarships can be competitive. Students need to demonstrate outstanding academic achievements and potential to secure financial support.

The Most Important Universities in China

The Most Important Universities in China

China is home to many prestigious universities that are renowned for their academic excellence and research capabilities. Here are some of the most important universities in China:

Tsinghua University

Website: Tsinghua University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 30,000-40,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 33,000-40,000 per year

Tsinghua University, located in Beijing, is one of the top universities in China and the world. Known for its strong emphasis on engineering, technology, and applied sciences, Tsinghua offers a wide range of programs across various disciplines. The university is renowned for its cutting-edge research facilities and distinguished faculty.

Peking University

Website: Peking University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 26,000-30,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 29,000-33,000 per year

Peking University, also located in Beijing, is another top-tier institution in China. It is well-regarded for its humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences programs. Peking University boasts a vibrant academic community and extensive research opportunities.

Fudan University

Website: Fudan University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 23,000-75,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 25,000-77,000 per year

Fudan University, situated in Shanghai, is known for its comprehensive range of programs, including medicine, business, and arts. Fudan has a strong international presence and offers numerous English-taught programs for international students.

Zhejiang University

Website: Zhejiang University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 20,000-38,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 25,000-42,800 per year

Zhejiang University, located in Hangzhou, is one of China’s oldest and most prestigious universities. It offers a wide array of programs in engineering, agriculture, medicine, and more. The university is known for its beautiful campus and strong research output.

Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Website: Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 24,800-75,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 28,900-77,000 per year

Shanghai Jiao Tong University is a leading research university in China, particularly in engineering, computer science, and business. The university has a global reputation for excellence and innovation.

Sun Yat-sen University

Website: Sun Yat-sen University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 18,000-28,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 22,000-30,000 per year

Sun Yat-sen University, located in Guangzhou, is known for its medical and life sciences programs. The university has a strong focus on research and offers a wide range of academic disciplines.

Nanjing University

Website: Nanjing University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 20,000-30,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 22,000-35,000 per year

Nanjing University is one of China’s leading institutions, particularly known for its humanities and social sciences programs. The university has a rich history and a strong emphasis on academic research and innovation.

Sichuan University

Website: Sichuan University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 18,000-30,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 20,000-32,000 per year

Sichuan University, located in Chengdu, offers a diverse range of programs, including engineering, medical sciences, and humanities. The university is renowned for its research capabilities and cultural significance.

Xi’an Jiaotong University

Website: Xi’an Jiaotong University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 18,000-25,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 20,000-30,000 per year

Xi’an Jiaotong University is a prestigious institution known for its engineering and technology programs. The university has a strong focus on research and innovation and offers various programs for international students.

Wuhan University

Website: Wuhan University
Tuition Fees:

  • Undergraduate: CNY 20,000-30,000 per year
  • Graduate: CNY 22,000-35,000 per year

Wuhan University is a leading research university in China, known for its natural sciences, engineering, and medical programs. The university offers a wide range of academic disciplines and has a strong emphasis on research and development.

Cost of Living in China

Cost of Living in China

The cost of living in China varies significantly depending on the city and lifestyle. Here is an overview of the average monthly expenses for international students:

  1. Accommodation:
  • University Dormitories: CNY 1,500-3,000
  • Off-Campus Housing: CNY 3,000-8,000
  1. Food:
  • University Canteens: CNY 1,000-2,000
  • Eating Out: CNY 2,000-4,000
  1. Transportation:
  • Public Transportation: CNY 200-500
  • Bicycles: CNY 100-300
  1. Utilities:
  • Electricity, Water, Gas: CNY 200-500
  • Internet and Mobile: CNY 100-200
  1. Miscellaneous:
  • Books and Supplies: CNY 300-500
  • Entertainment: CNY 500-1,000

Overall, the average monthly cost of living for a student in China ranges from CNY 4,500 to 10,000, depending on the city and lifestyle. Cities like Beijing and Shanghai tend to be more expensive, while smaller cities and towns are more affordable.

Studying in China Requirements

Studying in China Requirements

To study in China, international students must meet certain requirements and prepare the necessary documents. Here is a comprehensive guide to the requirements for studying in China:

Academic Requirements

  1. High School Diploma: For undergraduate programs, students must have completed their high school education and obtained a diploma.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree: For master’s programs, students must hold a recognized bachelor’s degree in a related field.
  3. Master’s Degree: For doctoral programs, students must have a master’s degree in a related field.
  4. Language Proficiency: Students must demonstrate proficiency in Chinese (HSK) or English (IELTS/TOEFL) depending on the language of instruction.

Documents Required for Registration

  1. Application Form: Complete the application form provided by the university.
  2. Passport Copy: A valid passport with at least six months of remaining validity.
  3. Academic Transcripts: Official transcripts from previous educational institutions.
  4. Diplomas and Certificates: Copies of diplomas and certificates from previous studies.
  5. Language Proficiency Test Scores: HSK, IELTS, or TOEFL scores, depending on the program.
  6. Recommendation Letters: One to three letters of recommendation from teachers, mentors, or employers.
  7. Personal Statement: A personal statement outlining academic goals, research interests, and reasons for choosing the program.
  8. Medical Examination Report: A medical examination report completed by a certified physician.
  9. Financial Proof: Proof of financial ability to cover tuition fees and living expenses in China.
  10. Visa Application Form: The visa application form for studying in China (JW202 or JW201 form).

How to get university admission in China:

How to get university admission in China:

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to get university admission in China:

  1. Research and Select Programs: Start by researching universities and programs that match your academic interests and career goals. Consider factors such as location, tuition fees, language of instruction, and program reputation.
  2. Prepare Documents: Gather all the required documents, including academic transcripts, diplomas, language proficiency test scores, recommendation letters, personal statement, and financial proof.
  3. Submit Application: Complete the application form and submit it along with the required documents to the chosen university. Many universities have an online application portal.
  4. Entrance Exam (if required): Some universities require international students to take an entrance exam. Prepare for the exam and ensure you meet the required scores.
  5. Interview (if required): Some programs may require an interview as part of the admission process. Prepare for the interview by researching the program and practicing common interview questions.
  6. Wait for Admission Decision: After submitting the application, wait for the university to review your application and make a decision. This process can take several weeks to months.
  7. Receive Admission Letter: If accepted, you will receive an admission letter from the university. This letter is required for the visa application process.
  8. Apply for Student Visa: Use the admission letter to apply for a student visa (X1 or X2 visa) at the Chinese embassy or consulate in your home country. Submit the visa application form, passport, admission letter, medical examination report, and financial proof.
  9. Arrange Accommodation: Once you have your visa, arrange accommodation in China. You can choose to stay in university dormitories or find off-campus housing.
  10. Travel to China: Book your flight and travel to China. Upon arrival, register with the university and complete any additional administrative procedures.
  11. Begin Your Studies: Attend orientation sessions and start your academic journey in China. Make sure to immerse yourself in the local culture and make the most of your study abroad experience.



Studying in China offers a unique and enriching experience that combines high-quality education, cultural immersion, and numerous career opportunities.

With its prestigious universities, affordable tuition fees, and diverse academic programs, China has become a top destination for international students. By understanding the advantages and challenges, meeting the admission requirements, and preparing thoroughly, you can embark on a successful academic journey in China.