English Lower Intermediate B1.1 Course form Coursera

This course is the first of two courses designed to bring learners to a B1 level of competence in English. It focuses on developing practical communication skills for various real-life situations. Learners will engage in diverse activities aimed at enhancing their ability to communicate effectively in both personal and professional contexts.

Skills you will gain

This course is designed to equip you with essential skills in grammar, vocabulary, reading, listening, and problem-solving, particularly in travel-related contexts. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the learning outcomes:

  1. Essential Grammar and Vocabulary
    • Grammar:
      • Understanding and using present simple and continuous tenses.
      • Formulating questions and negatives.
      • Using modal verbs (can, could, may, might) for requests, permission, and possibility.
      • Understanding and using past simple and continuous tenses.
      • Introduction to present perfect tense.
      • Comparative and superlative adjectives.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Daily life: household chores, routines, hobbies, and interests.
      • Travel: booking flights, hotel reservations, navigating airports, and public transport.
      • Food: types of cuisine, ordering in restaurants, dietary preferences.
      • Work: job titles, responsibilities, job application process, workplace communication.
      • Accommodation: types of housing, renting an apartment, utilities.
  2. Reading and Listening Skills Development
    • Reading Skills:
      • Skimming and scanning for information.
      • Understanding the main idea and supporting details.
      • Making inferences and predictions based on the text.
      • Comprehending written instructions and directions.
    • Listening Skills:
      • Identifying key information in conversations and announcements.
      • Understanding different accents and speeds of speech.
      • Listening for specific details in various contexts (e.g., travel announcements, restaurant orders).
      • Comprehending and responding to questions in spoken English.
  3. Problem-Solving Skills for Travel
    • Handling common travel situations such as:
      • Booking and changing reservations.
      • Asking for and understanding directions.
      • Dealing with lost luggage.
      • Communicating effectively with hotel staff.
      • Navigating public transport systems.
    • Role-Playing Exercises:
      • Simulating travel scenarios to practice problem-solving and communication skills.
      • Engaging in dialogues that require asking for help, making complaints, and resolving issues.

What you will learn

Course Modules:

  1. Welcome and Introduction
    • Objectives:
      • Introduce the course structure and goals.
      • Provide an overview of the importance of English in the workplace and for study.
      • Explain the course’s approach to learning English.
    • Activities:
      • Introduction videos.
      • Course orientation.
      • Initial assessment of language skills.
  2. Daily Life
    • Objectives:
      • Learn vocabulary and expressions related to daily routines.
      • Practice speaking and listening skills through common scenarios such as shopping, visiting the doctor, and social interactions.
    • Activities:
      • Role-plays.
      • Listening comprehension exercises.
      • Writing assignments about daily routines.
  3. Travel
    • Objectives:
      • Develop language skills needed for traveling, such as booking accommodation, asking for directions, and handling travel-related issues.
      • Understand travel-related vocabulary and phrases.
    • Activities:
      • Simulated travel scenarios.
      • Vocabulary quizzes.
      • Interactive maps for direction-giving exercises.
  4. Food
    • Objectives:
      • Enhance vocabulary and communication skills related to food and dining.
      • Practice ordering food in a restaurant, discussing dietary preferences, and understanding menus.
    • Activities:
      • Dialogues and role-plays in restaurant settings.
      • Listening exercises involving food orders.
      • Writing a review of a meal or restaurant.
  5. Work and Accommodation
    • Objectives:
      • Learn how to find and discuss work opportunities.
      • Practice language used in job applications, interviews, and workplace communication.
      • Understand vocabulary related to housing and accommodation.
    • Activities:
      • Job interview simulations.
      • Writing CVs and cover letters.
      • Role-plays for renting an apartment or house.
  6. Creating a Social Network
    • Objectives:
      • Develop skills for making new friends and building a social network in English-speaking environments.
      • Practice introducing oneself, discussing hobbies, and making plans.
    • Activities:
      • Social scenarios role-plays.
      • Group discussions on hobbies and interests.
      • Writing personal introductions and invitations.