Learn English with sentences – If clauses form Skillshare

In this English language course on Skillshare, you will explore the three types of “if” clauses that are essential for effective communication. Mastering these conditional sentences will enhance your ability to express various conditions and results, making your English sound more natural and sophisticated.
Course Overview
Objective: The course aims to help you understand and use “if” clauses correctly and confidently. By the end of the course, you will be able to form conditional sentences accurately and use them in your everyday conversations.


  • Detailed explanations of the three main types of “if” clauses
  • Hundreds of example sentences crafted by native English speakers
  • Step-by-step instructions on forming each type of “if” clause
  • Tips and tricks to make your sentences sound more advanced and polished

Skills you will gain

Taking this course on “if” clauses will help you develop a range of related skills that are valuable in various contexts. Here’s how mastering conditional sentences can enhance your proficiency in these areas:
1. Editorial Writing
Skill Enhancement:

  • Craft more nuanced and precise arguments.
  • Use conditional sentences to present hypothetical scenarios, enhancing the depth and sophistication of your writing.


  • If the government were to implement this policy, the economic impact would be significant.

2. Lifestyle
Skill Enhancement:

  • Improve your ability to express potential outcomes and plans in everyday conversations.
  • Use conditional sentences to discuss routines, habits, and hypothetical lifestyle changes.


  • If I exercise every morning, I feel more energized throughout the day.

3. English
Skill Enhancement:

  • Gain a better grasp of grammar and sentence structure.
  • Improve overall language proficiency, making your English more versatile and expressive.


  • If you practice speaking English daily, you will become more fluent.

4. Languages
Skill Enhancement:

  • Enhance your understanding of how conditional sentences work in English, which can be transferred to learning other languages.
  • Develop comparative language skills by understanding similarities and differences in conditional usage across languages.


  • If you study both English and Spanish, you will notice how conditionals are used differently in each language.

5. Speaking
Skill Enhancement:

  • Use conditional sentences to express possibilities, plans, and hypothetical situations more clearly.
  • Engage in more dynamic and interactive conversations.


  • If you come to the party, we can catch up on old times.

6. Grammar
Skill Enhancement:

  • Deepen your understanding of English grammar rules and their applications.
  • Improve your ability to construct complex sentences accurately.


  • If I had known the rules earlier, I would have avoided mistakes.

7. Word Processing
Skill Enhancement:

  • Enhance your writing and editing skills by incorporating conditional sentences into documents.
  • Use word processing tools to practice and perfect your use of conditionals.


  • If you use a grammar checker, it will help you spot errors in conditional sentences.

How This Course Enhances Related Skills
Practical Applications:

  • Editorial Writing: Incorporate “if” clauses to make your writing more engaging and hypothetical.
  • Lifestyle: Discuss potential lifestyle changes and habits using conditionals.
  • English and Languages: Improve your language skills by mastering the nuances of conditionals.
  • Speaking: Enhance conversational skills by using conditionals to discuss plans and hypothetical situations.
  • Grammar: Strengthen your grammar foundation with a focus on conditional sentences.
  • Word Processing: Utilize tools to practice and refine your use of conditionals in writing.

What you will learn

Course Structure

  1. Introduction to If-Clauses:
    • Overview of conditional sentences
    • Importance of mastering “if” clauses in English
  2. Zero Conditional:
    • Explanation and formation
    • Example sentences
    • Usage in real-life contexts
  3. First Conditional:
    • Explanation and formation
    • Example sentences
    • Practical applications
  4. Second Conditional:
    • Explanation and formation
    • Example sentences
    • Usage in hypothetical situations
  5. Third Conditional:
    • Explanation and formation
    • Example sentences
    • Discussing past hypotheticals
  6. Advanced Tips:
    • Combining conditionals for more complex sentences
    • Tricks to make your English sound more sophisticated
    • Practice exercises to reinforce learning
  7. Conclusion:
    • Recap of key points
    • Final tips and advice for ongoing practice
    • Additional resources for further learning

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the structure and usage of zero, first, second, and third conditionals
  • Create your own conditional sentences with confidence
  • Use advanced tricks to enhance your spoken and written English
  • Recognize and use conditional sentences in various contexts, from everyday conversations to more formal writing.